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Scholarship Program

    Delta Human Resource Management Association
    “Sons and Daughters of DHRMA”
    Scholarship Program

     The Delta Human Resource Management Association has established a scholarship program to help finance higher education for children of its members.   Awards are given without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, genetic information or national origin.

    • Minimum of one (1) annual $500 scholarship per applicant.
    • Applicant must be chapter member's child under the age of 25.
    • The chapter member must be in good standing and have maintained DHRMA membership for at least one year.
    • Applicant must be a full-time student (minimum of 12 hours) pursuing undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited college or university during semester/term of award.
    • Full-time distance learning programs are acceptable from an accredited college/university.
    • Scholarships are for college degree programs only, and may not be used to attend professional development seminars.
    • Applicant may be enrolled in any field of study.
    • Applicant must write an essay (500 word minimum) chosen from a selection of HR topics to be assigned annually.
    • Applicant must submit a resume, official transcript and two letters of reference from a teacher or supervisor at a job or volunteer position
    • Applicant must be in good academic standing at their respective college/university.
    • Selection made by Scholarship Selection Committee.
      • Committee Relations Chair will serve as committee chair.
      • Committee member may not have a child applying for the scholarship.
    • Selection criteria - Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership and participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, statement of educational and career goals, recommendation by an adult (other than a relative) and quality and content of the written essay.  Recipients must also successfully meet all eligibility requirements and provide a completed application packet, including letters of reference, resume, essay and transcript.
    • Previous applicants and past scholarship recipients are eligible to re-apply each year..
    • Applications must be submitted by a date set each year usually in the Fall.

    • Scholarship will be  awarded at the annual DHRMA seminar held each year in the month of November.
    • Scholarship will be issued to the recipient and the college/university.

              Download the DHRMA Scholarship Application